Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm a FetchDog!

Like any good service dog, I like sniffing out a bargain. For those of you who live in Maine, you don't want to miss the FetchDog Sample Sale! FetchDog is a great online supplier of high quality dog items and they also publish a catalog. Best of all, if you choose a Charitable Shop on their website, they'll donate a percentage of your purchases to one of the charities that Glenn Close and her friends have picked out. I'm kinda partial to Glenn's "Puppies Behind Bars" since they prepare puppies to be service dogs like me! Check out FetchDog and their online sale here.

At their local Sample Sale you can save 50% off some really nice quality dog products like this Bowser Donut Bed and Bowser Blanket that I picked out. Doesn't it look comfy and don't I make a great doggy model?

FetchDog's office is located at the Hamilton Marine Center Complex/100 Fore Street in Portland, Maine. They have lots of beds, toys, clothes, collars, leashes, feeders and grooming products on sale. The sale is from 10:00 to 6:00 and has been extended through at least this week. You might want to call 207-347-2206 to confirm.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

All Work and No Play?

Not for me! Most service dogs I know get a lot of off duty and play time and I'm no exception. From a good game of fetch in the backyard to a romp at the beach, it's important to balance work and fun. One of my favorite off duty things to do is roll! On the grass! On the sand! In the sun! Roll, roll, roll!

The folks at Planet Dog chose this photo of me rolling in the sand as this month's Canine Moment, check it out at Submit a photo of your best buddy and they could be featured as a Canine Moment and win a $200 shopping spree!

I LOVE Planet Dog, their Orbee balls are the best and a portion of every purchase goes to the Planet Dog Foundation which celebrates working dogs that serve and support their best friends, like me. Thank you Planet Dog!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dancing at the Bridge

A great and wonderful dog lost his battle with cancer and made the journey to the bridge this week. Like thousands of others, Suzan was inspired by the video clip of Rookie and and his mom Carolyn freestyle dancing to a song from Grease.

This tribute was originally done when Rookie retired:

Carolyn has a special place in our hearts, she came to Maine and put on a freestyle seminar fundraiser for me and Suzan. I only hope that we're half the team that Carolyn and Rookie were.

Godspeed Rookie. Dance across that bridge and show them how it's done.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Please Vote for Me!

Come see the cool photo that Suzan entered of me in Lifetime television's Hollywood Tails contest. The theme was classic Hollywood movies and I think I did a pretty good job! If we we win, we get to go to a Florida resort for a spa vacation. I think I'd really enjoy a little doggie massage! Please vote for me and vote often! Thank you!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I Earned My Wings!

I, Logan the Service Dog, took my first plane flight last weekend! The nice Continental Airline folks gave me my very own pair of wings which I wore proudly on my service dog vest.

Suzan said I was very lucky since service animals are allowed to ride in the cabin with their disabled partner. I got to sit at the front of the plane in the area they call the bulkhead. Now I have to admit that I was a tiny bit anxious at first with all the strange noises but once we took off I settled right in and fell asleep. And on the way back I was totally relaxed the whole time. This flying stuff isn't so bad!

Here I am studying the emergency evacuation card, I need to take good care of Suzan if anything should happen.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Please Don't Pet Me...

Did any of you see the Dear Abby column right around the holidays? It was a letter about distracting assistance dogs and I'm glad that it was published. I've posted it below if you haven't seen it yet.

A lot of people (and kids!) seem to know not to pat me when my vest is on but they don't realize that talking to me is also distracting. I need to keep my focus on Suzan, especially when she is using her cane. Can you imagine if I veered off whenever someone said "what a good dog"! I could inadvertently pull Suzan over!

The other thing you can help me with is explaining to your pet dogs that I have a job to do and can't socialize when I'm on duty. Since they might have a hard time understanding, you'll have to help us both out and "do not let your dog initiate contact", #4 below. Thanks!

Don't worry, I get LOTS of off duty play time and just hanging out and being a regular dog. I have doggie play dates, go to the beach a lot and go geocaching. And even when I'm "working", it's like a game to me. I do a lot of retrieving for Suzan which I love to do. I even bring her things around the house that she hasn't asked me for because I love doing it.

Don't Touch or Feed Assistance Dog Without Asking Permission

December 29, 2007

Dear Abby: I was having lunch in a restaurant recently. Seated next to us was a family who had an assistance dog for their teenage son. I was appalled when someone from another table approached the dog, began talking baby talk to it (while ignoring the people!) and dropped a scrap of meat on the floor in front of the dog's nose.

The dog ignored the "treat," and the mother calmly asked the person to please stop distracting their assistance dog while it was working. I was dazzled by her politeness in the face of such rudeness and thoughtlessness.

Abby, people need to know how to behave around assistance dogs so they don't endanger the person with a disability or the dog:

(1) Always speak to the person first. Do not make distracting noises to the dog.

(2) Always ask before you pet. Do not touch the service dog without first asking for and receiving permission. Petting should be minimal and cease as soon as the person gives the dog a command.

(3) Never feed or offer food to a working dog. It distracts him and lures him away from his important job as an assistance dog.

(4) Do not let your dog initiate contact with a working dog while it's on duty.

(5) Do not ask personal questions about the person's disability or otherwise intrude on his/her privacy.

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures people with assistance dogs have access to public places and businesses. Please welcome them into your establishment. -- Karyl Carmignani, Canine Companions For Independence

Dear Karyl: It's amazing how many animal lovers do not grasp the fact that when they see an assistance dog out in public that the animal is WORKING. Although wanting to reach out and touch it is natural, it is no more correct than it would be to pet a dog that works in law enforcement. Thank you for your informative letter. I hope readers will learn from it because many of your comments apply to animals in general.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy 2008!

Can a dog make a New Year's resolution? I guess if you're a service dog like me, you can. So, I, Logan resolve to keep my blog updated in 2008!

A belated Merry Christmas to all of you and a Happy New Year! Suzan has a great tradition of celebrating the new year by getting up early to see the first sunrise at the ocean's edge so that's what we did. It was pretty but also pretty cold, 22 degrees, brrrrr!

Each year she also takes a small, smooth stone and writes the year on it to use as a "worry stone". She then throws it back in the ocean at year's end along with all her worries and takes a new stone for the coming year. I think that's a neat tradition. Did you do anything special?

Afterwards we went to breakfast where even the people sitting at the table right next to us "didn't know there was a dog in here" until we left. They were probably only four feet away but I don't think people look down. I understand when we have a booth because I'm pretty well hidden, but these were regular table and chairs. I always find that amusing (and a testament to how good I am.)